Our Story
Founded in 1988, MIS has been providing microscope imaging solutions for over thirty years. Founder and CEO Seth Grotelueschen has served MIS in that role since the company’s inception.
Thirty-one years ago it was quite a challenge to acquire microscopic images and “get them into a computer”. Early MIS research and development efforts resulted in the initial product roll-out of the DOS-based “PAX” (Picture, Archival, Transmission) System in 1991. This groundbreaking product allowed clients to capture images from a microscope-mounted video camera and digitize & catalog that image into a PC using our PAX system. This legacy product led to the 1994 release of the very popular PAX-it imaging software using the Windows OS.
Today, MIS continues to lead the microscopic imaging marketplace with innovative products including our PAXcam family of digital microscope cameras and the PAX-it microscopic imaging software. More images have been viewed, captured, measured, analyzed and databased using PAX-it and PAXcams than any other product!
At MIS, we are proud that tens of thousands of users around the world rely on PAXcam Microscope Cameras and PAX-it image analysis software in their laboratories. Our clients span a wide variety of microscopic imaging application areas, including life sciences, material science, microelectronics, law enforcement, clinical pathology, anatomical pathology, weld measurement, paint and coatings, education, aerospace, automotive, pharmaceutical, petrography, failure analysis inspection imaging, and a host of other fields.
We thank you for your interest in our company and products and we hope we have the opportunity to serve you!
Our Team
Our leadership team is perhaps the most experienced in the industry. The team AVERAGES 25 years of experience in microscopy and digital imaging technology! That’s an unparalleled knowledge and experience level MIS brings to every client we have the privilege to serve. Whether we are working with the thousands of PAX-it Imaging Software and PAXcam Microscope Camera users, or developing a unique/custom imaging solution for a client, we LOVE delivering solutions that delight our customers.
Our Clients
The Fortune 1000 companies shown here are just a few of the many that rely on PAX-it. PAX-it has been a foundational product in microscopy labs for over twenty-five years. More images have been viewed, captured, measured, analyzed, shared and printed with PAX-it than any other product. MIS has consistently provided new product innovations to the imaging industry through the years.
Today, PAX-it offers even greater value to the customers we support. Our expanded product line offers your lab capabilities found in no other product. So whether your application is industrial, such as metallurgy, microelectronics, failure analysis, gemology, law enforcement & forensics, or in the life sciences such as pathology, pharmaceutical research, education or telemedicine, PAX-it is a solution worth investing in.
In addition, PAX-it works seamlessly with your existing equipment. Thousands of PAX-it systems are installed worldwide on Huvitz, Prior, Meiji, Leica, Olympus, Zeiss and Nikon microscopes. These PAX-it systems work beautifully with cameras from manufacturers such as PAXcam, Sony, Hitachi, JVC, Panasonic and others. No matter what microscope you use, whether you have an existing camera or not, PAX-it is the glue that brings the system together and makes it work for you!
Let us show you how we can help to provide a quality foundation for your laboratory imaging activities.